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[经验交流] 2012年福州华伦中学小升初面谈汇总(题目,经验,感受)

时间:2012-06-21 来源: 福州找家教 点击:



1. 共52道题,语文12 ,数英各20 


2.  我只知道第一场共33个考室,每个考室52--54人

3. 我女儿说数学有一些陷井



(1)把一张纸剪成5块,从所得纸片中取出若干块各剪成5块,再从以上所得纸片中取出若干块,每块又剪成5块,…,如此进行下去,到剪完某一次后停止时,所得纸片总数可能是(  )

A.2002 B.2003 C.2004 D.2005













(7)语文有文言文,精卫填海的内容 。



(10)关于a dog named bobby 完形填空,不过填6个空,不是10个。


Betty has a dog.( 1 )name is Bobby.It likes to run and play ( 2 )people.

One Sunday afternoon,Betty is out.Her parents,brother and sister are ( 3 )something at home.The dog also wants ( 4 )something.It runs over to Betty's father.He is watching soccer game ( 5 ) TV.He often does this on Sundays.He does not even ( 6 )the dog.Bobby goes to Betty's brother Jim.He is doing his homework.He isn't going to play with Bobby.Betty's sister Mary often plays with Bobby.( 7 )she is reading a picture book now.Bobby runs to Betty's mother.She ( 8 )it to go to sleep.

Now the door opens,and there ( 9 )Betty.She looks at the dog and says,"Come with me,Bobby.I'm going to take pictures in the park."

Bobby is ( 10 )and goes quickly after her.

1.A、It B、It's C、Its

2.A、with B、for C、to

3.A、do B、to do C、doing

4.A、to do B、for C、with

5.A、in B、at C、on

6.A、look B、look for C、look at

7.A、And B、But C、Or

8.A、lets B、asks C、says

9.A、goes B、are C、comes

10.A、happy B、fine C、sorry




(14)______ cheese do you need? --Just a little,please.

          A How much    B ?    C How many




It was a cold day in December in New York City. A little boy about 10 years old was standing in front of a shoe store on Broadway. He was looking through the windows. Barefooted(赤脚的) and shivering(颤抖的) with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, “ My little boy, what are you looking at?”

    “I am asking God(上帝) to give me a pair of shoes,” the boy said.

The lady took him by the hand and went into the store. She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy. She then asked if the clerk could give her a basin(脸盆) of hot water and a towel. The clerk quickly brought the things to her. She washed the boy’s little feet and dried them with the towel. By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. The lady put on the socks for the boy, and then bought him a pair of shoes. She patted(轻拍) him on the head and said,“My little boy, do you feel more comfortable now?”

As she turned to go, the boy caught her by the hand suddenly and looked up in her face. With tears in his eyes, he asked the question with these words,“Are you God’s wife?” “No, I’m a mother,”said the woman.


(    ) 1. The little boy standing at the store was about ________.

A. eight years old             B. nine years old

C. ten years old              D. seven years old

(    )2. The boy was looking through the window because  ________.

A. he wanted a pair of shoes              B. it was fun to do so

C. he was interested in the window        D. he was hungry

(    )3. According to the passage the lady was ________.

A. God’s wife

B. a kind woman

C. the boy’s mother

D. the boy’s friend


上一篇2015年福州初招方案有五大调整 小升初不再考英语 下一篇厦门初中期中考试复习计划(配相应科目试题)